As part of the hiring process, the computer that the potential employee will be working on needs to be checked to ensure that it meets American Logistics minimum technical specifications. Having a computer that meets these standards is important, as weaker computers will have difficulty running the necessary applications, which leads to more tech issues and lost productivity for both the user, their supervisor, and the service desk. Ensuring that new-hires have appropriate equipment before coming onboard is the best way to ensure smooth performance and fewer work interruptions.
Minimum Specifications for CSA Computers:
OS: Windows 10 or Windows 11
Processor: Intel i5 or greater – AMD Ryzen 5 or greater
Memory: 8GB of RAM or greater
OS: Monterey (12.6.2, 2021) or higher
Processor: Intel i5 or greater – Apple M1 or greater
Memory: 8GB of RAM (memory) or greater
In order to check the user's computer, first initiate a Teams call with them and then ask them to share their screen. You can then walk them through the following steps. The steps are different depending if they are using a Windows or Mac computer, but the steps for checking their network connection will be the same for both operating systems.
Checking the computer specifications for a Windows computer:
- Have the user click the Windows button in the taskbar on the bottom of the screen.
- Type "System Information" and click on the System Information app that should appear.
- This screen should show you all of the relevant information for checking the device's specifications:
There are three main items to check:
- OS Name - The computer needs be running either Windows 10 or Windows 11. The build number and whether it is Windows Home, Pro or Enterprise does not matter.
- Installed Physical Memory (RAM) - The computer needs to have at least 8GB of RAM - computers with less than this will have difficulty running the necessary applications.
- Processor - The computer needs to have at least an Intel i5 processor or equivalent. If the processor name starts with i5, i7 or i9, then it is acceptable. If the processor name starts with "i3", it does not meet our standards. If the processor is not from intel, or uses a different naming scheme, you may need to do a quick search to confirm whether it meets our standards. For instance, if this was the listed processor: Then you would google something like: "AMD A9-9425 Radeon R5 intel equivalent", and usually one of the first results will tell you what type of intel processor it is equivalent to. In this case, this is the first Google result, so we see that it is equivalent to an i5 processor, and meets our standards. If you have any difficulty determining whether a processor (or other specification) meets our requirements, please reach out to the service desk and we would be happy to confirm.
Checking the user's network connection:
• Have the user open up a web browser and go to and click on the large "Go" button.
• After the speed test is complete, the results will look something like this:
• The user's download speed must be at least 30 Mbps. The upload speed must be at least 10 Mbps. None of the numbers in the ping (latency) row should be higher than 75.
Checking the computer specifications for a Mac/Apple computer:
- Click on the Apple logo in the upper right-hand corner and select "About this Mac"
- This should pop up a window where you'll be able to see the processor and the RAM (memory).