We will are migrating! As things change, evolve and update - so does American Logistics. We are moving our Virtual Machine software (VMWare) to a more powerful and reliable system.
What does that mean for you?
Not a whole lot - things will act and behave as the always have and there will be no down time.
What do you need to do?
There are two things that we need you to do
- Make sure VMWare is up-to-date
- Establish a connection with the new server
Updating VMWare
We need your software to be running as efficiently as possible - that means we're going to make sure it is up-to-date.
NOTE 1: If you exclusively use VMWare from a browser, please make sure your browser is up-to-date and skip ahead to the "Browser Users" section. If you need assistance with this, please reach out to your supervisor.
NOTE 2: If you are logged into VMWare, please make sure you are logged out. Your screen should look similar to the screenshots below.
NOTE 3: If you are using a company machine, you will need reach out to the Service Desk to update VMWare.
Open the VMWare desktop application and click on the three dots in the upper-right-hand corner > Select "Software Updates" > On the following screen if there are any updates available, please download and update the software - once completed, please restart your machine.
Connecting to the new server
NOTE: If you are already logged into VMWare, please make sure you log out - otherwise, you will not be able to delete the old server.
After your machine has finished restarting - open the VMWare software > Click on the 3 dot under the "vmgate.americanlogistics.com" server > Click on "Delete" and confirm
Once deleted, click on "Add Server" > For the server address please type in the following - vmgate10.americanlogistics.com > Click "Connect"
On the next screen please log in with your credentials.
NOTE: Remember that your VMWare credentials will use the same password as your email and the user will start with "alc\" followed by the first part of your email - it should look like this: alc\username
Once your authentication goes through, you're all set - have a great shift!
Browser Users
You will have it easier than the rest of us!
Here is your new link: https://vmgate10.americanlogistics.com/
Once here, you will select the bubble to remember your preference, then select the "HTML Access" option.
At the next screen, you will log in as normal.
NOTE: Remember that your VMWare credentials will use the same password as your email and the user will start with "alc\" followed by the first part of your email - it should look like this: alc\username